We know that it is not easy to maintaining our wellbeing under the harsh situation nowadays. The lockdown caused by the pandemic not only affects physical health, but mental health as well.
Consultant psychotherapist Dr Shivangi Pawar says, “Now, in the New Year, 2021 see to it that you prioritize your mental health, and boost it with the vital strategies. It is the need of the hour to see to it that you make 2021 the year of good mental health by not ignoring your mental well-being.” Here are 4 suggestions from Dr Pawar:
1.Organize yourself
2021 should be about improving immunity, exercising, and staying in top shape. Try to exercise on a daily basis as it will also help you stay physically and mentally fit. Spending time with other people will help you boost your confidence. This way, you will get to know that you are not alone, you have someone to whom you can open up to.
2. Socialize with like-minded people
Become a part of a group or a community wherein one can share thoughts, concerns, and even problems. You will be able to stay happy and develop a positive approach towards life. 2021 should be about living a peaceful and healthy life.
3. Be close to nature:
Try to spend some time with nature and limit your screen time in 2021. But, make sure that you follow those social distancing norms and wear a mask. This will ensure wellness and a happy state of mind.
4. Find a hobby
Doing what you like will ensure that you stay happy and healthy. For example, Painting, gardening, listening to music and dancing can be a stress-buster and can help you relax. It releases those happy hormones namely dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.
Source: Times of India